
How to map data into useable analytics

At Inspiremed we understand the frustration of trying to manipulate big data. The monthly data sets released by the NHS contain over 10 million rows of information – for just one month’s activity.

The weight of big data

NHS digital warns, “Note that it may take at least 20 to 30 minutes to load one monthly file.” (

That’s a serious amount of data – and in today’s workplace, it equates to a serious amount of time. Yes, it includes ‘all medicines, dressings and appliances that are prescribed by all practices in England and dispensed in the community each month.’

However, it also requires an advanced level of programming skill even to begin extracting anything meaningful from such vast swathes of information.

What other analysis options are there?

There are add-ons to existing software, such as the Microsoft PowerPivot add-on for Excel, but with a half hour wait – isn’t there something better you could be doing with your time when faced with a complex data set?

It’s worth noting at this point that InspireMed does not sell big data. That’s not what we do. We can supply the NHS/IMS data your BI team wants to use, but our function is to help them to transform unwieldy big data into something they can use that is:

  • Accurate
  • Will map the data in a valuable and useful way
  • Will drive your business decision-making

That’s where the Rx Analyser software comes in. It gives you the right tool for the job of mapping data into something you can use to drive your business forward.

It makes it simple to gain market analytics, valuable insights and make swift responses – and the right decisions in light of market changes – with ease.

Rx Analyser takes big data and transforms it from a raw, unwieldy format into a clear, easy to read and digestible form that’s easy to interpret.

Valuable and versatile analytics

Whether you’re office-based or on the move, Inspiremed’s elegant dashboards, bold colour scheme and easy-to-read formats mean your data is always easy to access.

Choose cloud access or to download your data for remote use with a monthly model, delivered to your desktop or laptop via our secure server.

“Key benefits? Simple graphics that are easy to use in presentations. Easy to download. And the level of available detail – down to GP practice.”

Senior Manager, Global Healthcare Company, 2016

Powerful business intelligence

Transform raw NHS and IMS prescribing data into a rich source of primary and secondary care information, and support your business intelligence team with rapid-fire, easy-to-analyse visualisations that will enable them to drill down to the critical data sets your business needs.

  1. Want insights from NHS and IMS prescription data in seconds?
  2. Need real-time data to cement your decision-making process?
  3. Want to base your sales and marketing on clear, solid facts?

With RxAnalyser you can:

  • Enhance and manipulate large data sets with software customisation options and gain added control and insights
  • Plan sales and implement your marketing plans based on accurate, data-rich analytics
  • Gain peace of mind that flexible, rapid response answers will meet your data needs

We specialise in providing advanced data visualisation dashboards and analytical models to the healthcare sector. And with one simple training session, we’ll show you how to access a wealth of actionable information and valuable analytics.

Our software provides essential support for product managers, key account managers, sales teams and business intelligence analysts within the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.

Free yourself from laborious data crunching, time-consuming analysis and repetitious tasks.

Call and book your demonstration today.

(To see our analysis in action, look at the figures on this story about the monthly cost to the NHS of Quetiapine (IR)s, which rose by over £12M per month in June and July last year.)

Comprehensive, flexible, efficient and professional. A recent training program for our sales team was both well delivered and received. Any bespoke amends to the tool are quickly implemented in line with our requirements.

Sales and Marketing Manager, Leading Healthcare Company, 2016

RX Analyser is an extremely intuitive tool with numerous beneficial features.

Sales and Marketing Manager, Leading Healthcare Company, 2016

If I had to choose one feature about Rx Analyser it would be the market overview, which gives a great snapshot of the market from practice up to National level.

Sales and Marketing Manager, Leading Healthcare Company, 2016

Export to Excel is straightforward, which facilitates easy manipulation if required, for example, for territory planning.

Sales and Marketing Manager, Leading Healthcare Company, 2016

Working with Inspiremed is a great partnership experience and they make sure they understand your business, the industry that you are in and what you want to achieve in the use of the product.

National Sales Manager, UK Pharmaceutical Company

Budget impact calculation makes for a much more informed discussion with customers where cost savings are a key driver.

Sales and Marketing Manager, Leading Healthcare Company, 2016

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